This article entails things you need to do before you celebrate you 30 th birthday so you won't have regrets later in life, if you are above 30 the article can also help you to rectify everything you have missed.
A man who cannot plan has nothing to live for because life places a demand on us to plan.
1. Discover Yourself
It's discovery that enlist a person for life, not necessary birth because you can be born and useless. A man of discovery has discovered or seen how to contribute to life in a definite way, because life is all about contribution, greatness has nothing to do with wealth ; it's possible to be wealthy but not great in life, you must try to discover how you cannot be ignored " discovery of how you can contribute to life is the first mark for living life to the fullest". Everyone is born with a mind to do things that can give rest to people around us, there is a diamond & gold mine inside of you but you have to discover it because until a man/woman discovers it he/she remains on the lowest profiles of life,people who do not know themselves depends on other for their self definition and for as long as other people define you and continue to tell you what they think you are, you continue to live by their definition, you can never be yourself because different people have different opinions about you. A man who cannot define himself will never be stable in life, you do not depend on other people to know who you are but depend on revelation to know who you are, do you know there maybe things that you are that nobody has an idea yet.
" The world will arise at the
Revelation of the treasure in
You. "
2. Discover how to use your talent to solve problems.
The presence of the talent is not as important as knowing how it works, how does your gifting works? It's your talent that prospers you because your talent has the capacity to employ you for a lifetime, men of purpose are always busy because there's something to do with their talent. Know how to apply your talent in solving problems and this will definitely brings a reward, Discover how to use your uniqueness to solve problems and try to improve on the problem solving ability of what you have.
"Some people earning big are not better than you in any way but only better, not in the measure of talent but only in the application of the gift".
3. Caught an idea on making money.
If you are a book writer begin to put the books together, take them through professional editing, know how people need you, understand how they need to depend on you.
You can only make money from other peoples ignorance and honestly be it genuinely or by cunning ways, you cannot pay me for what you already know or have ; if only you understand the law of potential differences, you will know how to make money,Now check what ignorance your gifting is designed to solve .
" If I have what you do not have then you have to depend on me, when I give you I take reward".
4. Know the definition of love.
You really need to understand what love is before you're 30, love is more than mere words but action and sacrificial, many people do not know what love is and that is why there are many unnecessary heartbreaks; I have being thinking of opening a heart clinic so all heartbreaks patients can come, when somebody says I LOVE YOU, what does the person mean,does the person mean I like you, wanna have sex with you or you look enchanting.
What really is the definition of love, when you say to somebody I love you, what do you mean ? You cannot say that to somebody you do not know, you cannot love someone you met for the first time, in 5 minutes you love the person NO. You can like the person or can even be attracted to the person but you cannot love somebody whose assets and liabilities you can not define because eventually love does not stop has an emotion but love is a choice.
This is the reason there are so many disappointments because eventually the person discovers there are some liabilities not willing to be responsible for, he liked you when he first saw you but when the vapour of emotions begins to sublime,his no longer interested in the relationship. This is why you should know what love is, that love is a responsibility, choice to give, that it's much more about giving and not about exploiting somebody else,love does not manipulate the other person, it does not try to take the pride & dignity of the other person.
When someone says I love you, you should sometimes be indifferent, okay I am watching, because the person has to prove that he/ she loves you. Most times people step backwards when they get to know you the more because initially he/ she does not love you though he thought he/she did,he liked your dress, smile, smell and the way you talk, when your emotion ignition is turned on, then don't be in a hurry but put it off & hold yourself. Tell yourself to cooperate, be yourself and be real, no need to pretend to be what you are not.
"Remember : Don't be an emotional dumping ground for someone who cannot control his/her emotional excess"