Populations with high rate of STDS are an obvious focus for prevention, screening and education efforts.
Several demographic variables are risk markers for STDs; individual in this group are more likely to have one or more STDs because their group has a high prevalence, because their own sexual partners are also usually in the same high risk group and sometimes because the behaviours associated with membership in the group predispose STD transmission.
Population groups at risk for STDS according to this demographic variables include people under age 25, minorities, the medically undeserved and homosexual males, therefore, sexually active adolescents and young adults are on high risk.
Other group concerned are those are those who may not have high rates, but who are medically undeserved or are "hard to reach" through traditional health channels, this group includes migrant workers and immigrants who may have language barriers to treatment and may carry trait of gonorrhea.
Women suffer more serious long term consequences from all STDs except AIDS, Including PID, ectopic pregnancy, chronic pelvic pain, infertility and cervical cancer. Due to "fluid dynamics " of intercourse , women are more likely than men to acquire a sexually transmitted disease from any single sexual encounter.
Recommendations to Reduce STD Risk
1. A mutually monogamous relationship between two uninfected partners carries virtually no risk of STD infection. Testing maybe necessary at the beginning of a relationship to detect asymptomatic infection.
2. Incase you are not in a mutually faithful relationship, then limit your number of sex/ partners.
3. Avoid sexual partners who themselves have had many partners in the past.
4. Unless you are certain that neither of you nor your partner are infected, always use a latex( not natural) condom for intercourse.
5. Talk to and examine any new or nonmonogamus partner for oral or genital warts, blisters, ulcers, rash or discharge.
6. Avoid oral- anal contact.