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Fundamentals of Statistics

YOUR INVISIBLE TUTOR:  You are welcome, First of all, lets Introduce what the course statistics is, throughout this month, we shall be treating the introductory part of this wonderful course, always check back for next topic.
Meaning of statistics: The word ‘statistics’ has three different meanings (sense): Plural sense, singular sense, and plural of the word ‘statistic’ which are discussed below.

1.     Plural sense:  In the plural sense, the word statistics refer to numerical facts and figures collected in a systematic manner, with a definite purpose in any field of study. In this sense, statistics are also an aggregate of facts which are expressed in numerical form (statistical data). For example, statistics on industrial production, statistics on population growth, employment rate, interest rate, prices and wages, exports and imports of a country in different years, etc. It is in this sense that the word ‘statistics is used by a layman or a newspaper.
2.     Singular Sense:  In a singular sense, it refers to the science of methods used in the collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation of numerical data. These methods are used to draw conclusion about population parameter. These are measures of location, variation, probability, correlation and regression, analysis of variance, and so on. For example: if we want to have a study about the distribution of weights of student in a certain college, we will first collect data on their weights, which may be obtained from records of the college or from the students directly. The large number of weight figures will confuse the mind. In this situation, we may arrange the weights in groups, such as 50kg to 60kg, 60kg to 70kg, and so on, and find the number of students within each group. This step is called a presentation of data. We may still go further and compute the averages and some other measures which may give us a complete description of the original data.
3.     Plural of the Word ‘Statistic’: ‘Statistics’ is often used as the plural of ‘statistics’, which refers to a numerical quantity like mean, median, variance, etc, calculated from sample value.  For example: If we select 15 students from a class of 80, measure their heights and find the average height, the average would be statistic.

Statistics, like many other science, is a developing discipline, it’s not nothing static. It has gradually developed during the last few centuries; the characteristics of statistics are;
·        Aggregate of facts
·        Affected by multiplicity
·        Numerically expressed
·        Estimated according to reasonable standards of accuracy
·        Collected in a systematic manner
·        Collected for a predetermined purpose
·        Placed in relation to each other.

Statistics both in singular and plural sense has been combined in the following definition, which is accepted as the modern definition of statistics:
Statistics are the numerical statement of facts capable of analysis and interpretation and the science of statistics is the study of the principles and methods applied in collecting, presenting, analyzing and interpreting numerical data in any field of enquiry.
In a more simple way, statistics is concerned with specific methods for collecting, organizing, summarizing, presenting and analyzing data as well as deriving valid conclusions and making reasonable decisions on the basis of this analyzing. Statistics is concerned with the systematic collection of numerical data and their interpretation; that is, statistics is a set of rules and procedures for reducing large masses of data to manage proportions. Croxton and Cowden stated that statistics is the science of collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation of numerical data from logical analysis. The definition of statistics by Croxton and Cowden is the most scientific and realistic. According to it, there are four stages:
·        Collection of Data: This is the foundation upon which the entire data set. Careful planning is essential before data collection, there are different methods of collection of data such as census, sampling, primary, secondary, etc; and the investigator should make use of correct data method.
·        Presentation of data: The mass data collected should be presented in a suitable ,concise form of analysis. The collected data may be presented in a tabular, diagrammatic or graphical form.
·        Analysis of Data: The data presented should be carefully analyzed for making inference from presented data, such as measures of tendencies, dispersion, correlation, regression etc.
 Interpretation of Data: The final step is drawing conclusion from the data collected. A valid conclusion must be drawn on the basis of analysis. A high degree of skill and experience is necessary for the interpretation.
1.     To present a data in a concise and definite form; statistics helps in classifying and tabulating raw data for processing and further tabulation for end users.
2.     To make it easy to understand complex data: This is done by presenting the data in form of tables, graphs, diagrams, etc or by condensing the data with the help of means, dispersion, etc .
3.     For comparison: tables, measures of means and dispersion can help in comparing different sets of data.
4.     In forming policies: it helps in forming policies, like a production schedule, based on the relevant sales figures. It is used in forecasting future demands.
5.     Enlarging individual experiences: complex problems can be well understood by statistics, as the conclusions drawn by an individual are more definite and precise than the mere statements of facts.
6.     In measuring the magnitude of a phenomenon: statistics has made it possible to count the population of a country, the industrial growth, the agricultural growth, the  educational level in numbers.

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